Care Homes


After many years working in the residential care industry        20141022_140141769_iOS

i understand the importance of keeping the residents alert and active.

Bringing animals into the care environment has always been and enjoyable and therapeutic experience.

To help you provide an unforgetable and therapeutic afternoon for you clients we will taylor the activity to your particular needs.

You have probably had the donkeys and a dog or two, may be even a budgie or a cat.

So why not go for something exciting and  very different.

20140210_115518000_iOSBirds of prey & owls offer a unique experience that will never be forgotten by staff or residents.

So whether you want an hours owl experience or the full works for the summer fete or open day we shall endeavour to accommodate you.


Ideal for schools, guides, scouts, brownies etc.

These sessions can be tailored to meet the individual needs of the group,IMG_0960

from one off sessions to full/half term sessions

we offer:

Show and tell style sessions.

where as well as learning about their habitat and origins , diet and anatomy you will get the opportunity to handle one of the birds

Workshops for weekly term long sessions include .

Pellet disection

* You learn about our owls and their diet and digestive system, and find out what they had for tea last night by dissecting a pellet.

Furniture making

*How to make the leather furniture we use on our birds.


*How to track a bird that has gone AWOL using our telemetry system.


*How to make the different types of leashes used in falconry and why we use them.

*These sessions can be held at a venue of your choice or here at the centre

      for details on our outside displays click here

to discuss your requirements

please contact us on

01395 279443


or at

[email protected]

Birds of Prey